Bright & Colourful Fun Day 2018
Some pictures from the Themed Day on Sunday, September 30th. Click on the thumbnails below to see the full picture
Food, Glorious Food....for later!Food, Glorious Food....for later!
That's what I call a Club Cake...thanks, Jan Metcalf.That's what I call a Club Cake...thanks, Jan Metcalf.
Geoff, the Mastermind!Geoff, the Mastermind!
Listen ver' carefully, I vill say this only vonce!Listen ver' carefully, I vill say this only vonce!
...8, 9, 10, 11....I've run out of fingers!...8, 9, 10, 11....I've run out of fingers!
Run round it 3 times and say the magic words...then what happens?Run round it 3 times and say the magic words...then what happens?
Chis is thinking " Black socks with white shoes and blue!"Chis is thinking " Black socks with white shoes and blue!"
"No you didn't!"...."I did too!""No you didn't!"...."I did too!"
We seem to have more woods than we started with!We seem to have more woods than we started with!