2017 opening weekend round up
Posted by John Armstrong on 2 May 2017
The 2017 Season kicked off on Saturday 29th April with a 1st Roll Up at which 46 members decided to find out how rusty they had got during the winter. With 5 triples and 2 rinks being played, it was a full green on a cloudy, occasionally sunny, afternoon.
The afternoon finished with a spider, the winner of the whisky being Ted Brothers.
For more 1st Roll Up pictures, click on photo gallery
On Sunday the first match of the season, against Ruislip, finished with a very narrow defeat, with Ruislip scoring 105 agaist Eastcote's 100, whilst on Monday 1st May, in typical British Bank Holiday weather, the George Harrison Memorial was won by John Hudson, Elaine Davies and Geoff Moore with runners up being Janet Brooks, Anne Sutherland and Ray Jeffs.
And that was just the first weekend!