Competition Secretary's End of Season report 2023

Posted by John Armstrong on 20 November 2023

A printable copy of the report is available for download here


The curtain has just come down on the 2023 season with a superb Finals Day/weekend on Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th September. It was certainly a hot weekend in more ways than one with the sun beating down relentlessly (32 degree heat; phew!) and the calibre of the games played out.

A massive thank you to Gaye Armstrong and Diana Stuckey for donning their catering pinnies and stepping up to the mark in cooking bacon rolls for breakfast and pulling together filled baguettes for lunch. Well done ladies!

Many congratulations to all our competition winners and runners up and a big thank you to all markers and scorers.

Many congratulations too to all the winners and runners up of the internal competitions.

The 2023 season has been marred by a number of EBC’s stalwart playing members being plagued by injury and/or illness. It meant that the one day competitions were lower in numbers taking part and the knock-out competitions turned into a bit of a “dosey doe” as a number of partner changes were required before a wood was played. However, all worked out well and all knock-out competitions were played and completed.

We wish all our injured players a healthy and speedy recovery and very much look forward to seeing them back on the green in 2024.

2023 brought in some excellent new playing members. Jon Youngs was overall winner on Cavendish Day, John Powell won the Mixed Drawn Pairs with his partner Janet Brooks and Tom Wallcraft was a member of the runners up team in the Ferry Walsh Memorial. Well done guys! EBC encourages all its new members to go forward for the knock out competitions next year; especially the Junior Championships. Let’s make 2024 more robust with numbers taking part than it has been in a while.

A huge thank you to Jane Harris for once again doing an excellent job in organising all the raffle prizes for the competitions.

I would also like to say a big thank you to all those who took the time to bake for competition days. Homemade baking is always very much appreciated.

We now look forward to the Presentation Evening on Saturday 25th November. Attached is a table of winners and runners up for 2023.

Like last year, the engraving of the trophies will be done at the turn of 2024; in good time for the opening of the 2024 season.

As ever, lastly, but by no means least, a huge thank you to my forever wingman – David Levy.

Lisa Levy



Club One Day Competitions 2023



Runners up

George Harrison Trophy

Steve Lockyer, Les Bennett, Frankie Milward

Mark Hallam, John Jones, Hilary Gate

Godfrey Memorial Trophy

Steve Lockyer

John Jones

Godfrey Memorial Plate

Linda Smith

Dave Sephton

Ferry Walsh Memorial

Colin Darnell, Jan Metcalf, Diana Stuckey

Linda Smith, Tom Wallcraft, Pat Davies

Mixed Drawn Pairs

Janet Brooks, John Powell

Diana Stuckey, Colin Darnell

Will Morton Trophy

Les Bennett, Hilary Gate

Graham Aylett, Diane Hallam

Cavendish Day

Jon Youngs

Colin Williams

Presidents Day

David Levy, Pat Davies, John Jones, Linda Clarke

Colin Williams, John Powell, Hilary Gate, Les Bennett


Club Knock-out Competitions 2023



Runners up

Ladies Pairs Handicap

Jane Harris

Pam Walsh

Linda Clarke

Pat Davies

Men’s Pairs Handicap

Graham Aylett

Steve Lockyer

Rob Pearmain

Len Rush

Ladies Handicap

Linda Clarke

Pam Walsh

Men’s Handicap (Taylor Cup)

John Jones

Paul Hutchinson

Ladies Junior

Lisa Levy

Janet Brooks

Men’s Junior

John Jones

Dave Sephton

Ladies Two Woods

Jane Harris

Linda Smith

Men’s Two Woods (Telling Cup)

Paul Hutchinson

Graham Aylett

Ladies Three Woods

Pam Walsh

Linda Clarke

Men’s Three Woods (Founders Cup)

Paul Hutchinson

Colin Williams

Ladies Championship

Gill Murray

Linda Smith

Men’s Championship (Robarts Cup)

Paul Hutchinson

David Levy

Mixed Pairs Handicap

Janet Brooks

Les Bennett

Jane Harris

Graham Aylett



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