Last screw completes new canopy

Posted by John Armstrong on 22 April 2018

Thanks to our new Canopy, we can now move between Changing Rooms and Pavilion, and watch the action on the green, protected from the elements.

Construction started in March and the last screw was affixed at 4pm on Monday, 16th April 2018. Thanks to all members who helped with the prep work, particularly President Mark Hallam and Social Secretary Ray Coles who dug the footings for the supporting struts.Thanks also to Andy & Davey of SAS Quality Services Ltd for the actual installation.

Construction in progess, Friday 6th April 2018

Under construction #1  Canopy #2  Canopy #4

The finished articles - construction completed, Monday 16th April 2018

Canopy #5  Canopy #6  Canopy #7


Next project: re-felting the Changing Room roof. Watch this space!

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