Will Morton Trophy & Captain's Day

Posted by John Armstrong on 26 September 2018

Septembers is a busy month, so here are the results and some pictures of two club tournament days.

Will Morton intro

First up was the Will Morton Trophy, on Saturday, 15th September. Beginning at 2pm, we had a pleasant dry, sunny-ish, mild afternoon playing round-robin two wood pairs. All participants were divided by Diane into two groups, Red and Green. Each pair played 3 games of 10 ends each against opponents of the opposite colour (Red v Green), scoring cumulatively over the 30 ends both own score and the 3 opponents combined. At half time we had a break for tea and, of course, The Raffle (thanks to Jenny Moore and everyone else who worked so hard). The two pairs with the largest net difference (shots for less shots against), played a final 6 end match to determine the trophy winner. (if I haven't got any of that right, would Diane please correct me!).

Will Morton Runners upWill Morton winners

The 2018 Will Morton finalists were Elaine Davies & John Nott versus Jan Rush & Gil Davies, with Jan and Gil emerging triumphant. Congratulations to all for a great afternoon.

Follow the link for more pics in the PhotoGallery.





Capt Day #2Capt Day #1

Next, what can we say about Captain's Day on Saturday, 22nd September, other than it was Wet (with a capital R!). But still a very enjoyable afternoon, starting with The Diagonal Jack - 50p a go to bowl diagonally across the green, nearest to the jack when the game finishes gets half the proceeds (woods other than the nearest are removed after each turn). Despite Karen's very impressive & many efforts, John Hudson held sway most of the game, only to lose out to Ray Jeffs on the final knockings, the poacher!

Then, as the heavens opened, the Main Event - Last Man Standing. Divided into 6 groups, each member bowled a wood in turn until each one had bowled 3 woods. The wood furthest from the jack was then taken out and that person had only two woods for the next round. Once we understood Capt Day #3what was going on, it was a lot of fun, despite the ongoing wetness. Eventually, each group had only one Last man Standing and it was time for a delicious tea, thanks largely to Stella Millman & Christine Hudson, Mike Milward's 100 Club draw (for 2018 winners to date, click here) and of course, Jenny Moore's Raffle (we are sure going to miss you next year, Jenny - and Geoff, of course!). Capt Day #4Then the six (unfortunate) winners from the first round had to go out into the monsoon to compete (for wine & chocolates!), but due to the rain, they started with only two woods. The finalists (Diane Hallam, Jayne Harris, Jenny Moore, Colin Darnell, John Nott & Mark Hallam)) were gradualy whittled down until it left Jenny and Colin going head-to-head. Two very good last balls but the margin was in Colin's favour.

Follow this link for more Captain's Day photos in PhotoGallery.

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