In case you have forgotten.....
Posted by John Armstrong on 1 September 2019
For members' information, some important reminders........
Will Morton Competition: To be held next Sunday, 8th September at 2.00pm. We need 3 more bowlers to complete the programme, so sign up quick - Diane will be taking the list down on Wednesday afternoon!
Friday Night League: The rained-off match has been rearranged for Friday, September 20th with an amended start time of 6pm, players need to be there by 5.45. Will Team 6 reign supreme or will Team 3 take them to a tie?
External Competitions: Diane has put up the orange sign up sheets for next year's external competitions in the lobby of the changing rooms. Would all interested members sign up as soon as possible as the first deadline is 1st November 2019, for the Middlesex competitions.
Presentation Dinner: The highlight of the EBC social calendar is on 16th November, be there or be square! You need to sign up on the sheet on the Pavilion Noticeboard, and make payment to Mark or Diane by no later than 29th September. For full details see
Karen's Quiz: The return of the popular head scratcher! To be held on Saturday 9th November. Karen has put up the sheet on the Pavilion Noticeboard for her next quiz night - sign up for a great evening's entertainment.